
What We Do

What We Do

In recent years, the global focus on sustainability and environmental conservation has led to the rise of innovative startups that tackle waste management challenges in creative ways. Here at Kaffa...

What We Do

In recent years, the global focus on sustainability and environmental conservation has led to the rise of innovative startups that tackle waste management challenges in creative ways. Here at Kaffa...

How We Do It

How We Do It

Have you ever wondered what happens to the coffee grounds after you've brewed your morning cup of coffee? We, here at Kaffa Kuwwa, have found an innovative way to extract coffee...

How We Do It

Have you ever wondered what happens to the coffee grounds after you've brewed your morning cup of coffee? We, here at Kaffa Kuwwa, have found an innovative way to extract coffee...

Blogs on Medium

The Coffee Story: The Doomsday Tales

Click to read the full blog on Medium

The Coffee Story: Rebuild and Recycle

Click here to read the full blog on Medium